Brut Video Translation
Content Translation


Video translation of media content for a global new media organization.

Brut is a new digital platform for short news videos. Their content for videos are written in French or English and translating these is a fast and cost-efficient way to augment and multiply the reach of their videos. MotaWord is proud to work on this with Brut and translate their French language videos into English and English language videos into French.

The motto of this modern news outlet is News. Everywhere. Now.

And nothing embodies the “Now” aspect as well as the video translation service provided by MotaWord.
Here is an example of Brut’s content. This video was prepared for Brut Nature in French:

Brut’s content is either prepared in French or in English and needs to be had in both these languages. In order to accomplish this, their content in French is translated into English and the content in English translated into French within an hour - no matter when they are submitted - by the reliable and always available translation service provided by MotaWord.
Here is the same video translation into English:

The content requires high-quality work as it needs to be publish-ready. The video translation needs to be done as fast as the work of other departments that create the videos depend on it. And of course, it needs to be continuous.

Every day, MotaWord handles anywhere between 4 to 8 news content to be translated for Brut.
You can see our video translation work by subscribing to Brut’s Facebook page.
If you are in need of media content translation or video translation reach out to us today.

About MotaWord
MotaWord is the world’s fastest professional translation platform. Through the use of cloud technologies, smart algorithms that manage projects around the clock and over 28 thousand professional translators MotaWord provides high-quality translations in any language 60% cheaper and 20 times faster than traditional translation agencies.

Published on Mar 23, 2022 by EVREN AY


Great! Thank you.